Gastric Emptying Study in Thibodaux, LA
What is a gastric emptying study?
A gastric emptying study is used by GI providers to determine how long a meal takes to empty out of your stomach. This is done by consuming a small meal, followed by taking X-rays of the meal as it enters your stomach. A gastric emptying study is performed by our Digestive Health Center providers when patients are exhibiting symptoms like abdominal pain, frequent vomiting, and early satiety. If the food takes too long to empty from your stomach, it could harden and cause a more severe condition called gastroparesis. To learn more about a gastric emptying study and if it is right for you, please connect with one of our Thibodaux, LA locations today to request a consultation.

What happens during a gastric emptying study?
Typically, prior to your gastric emptying study, you will be asked not to eat any food or drink any liquids for several hours before the exam. During this exam, you will be asked to eat a small meal. This meal typically includes eggs, toast, and water. The eggs will contain a tracing agent that has no taste or smell so that the meal will appear visibly in the X-ray machine. Once you have consumed your meal, your provider will ask you to lie down on the X-ray table. They will take an X-ray and then allow you to leave the room. They will ask you to return to the X-ray table in timed increments so that new images can be captured. It is very important not to consume any other food or drink during this time and to remain on schedule so that the images are captured at the proper time. This exam can take approximately four and a half hours to complete. Once complete, the X-rays will be sent over to your Digestive Health Center provider for review. The results will be discussed with you during your next consultation.
Are there any risks associated with a gastric emptying study?
There are a few risks associated with a gastric emptying study. If you are pregnant it is important to let our Thibodaux, LA team know, as X-rays can be harmful to pregnancies. The amount of radiation used is extremely low and typically does not pose any danger to most individuals. If you have received numerous X-rays in your life, is important to discuss all previous X-rays you’ve had with our team just to make sure you are not being overexposed.